总体概览/ Overview
具体流程/ Specific Procedures
违规警告/ Violation Warning
During your LIVE, if you receive a violation warning, the LIVE access will not be suspended immediately. But you should self-examine whether or not violating the Community Guidelines and if so, please adjust your content. Otherwise, you will lose access to LIVE in several minutes.
直播中断/ Lose Access to LIVE
If your LIVE is banned, you need to do the following things:
查看详情/ View the details
找到申诉按钮/ Tap “Submit appeal”:
提交您的申诉/ Press on “Submit”
提交的申诉/ Appeal submitted
检查申诉的状态/ View the status of your appeal
申诉状态更新/ Appeal results
成功/ Succeeded:
Thank you for submitting your appeal. We have reviewed and restored your access. We apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused. Thank you for being a part of the TikTok community!
失败/ Failed:
It was determined that your content violated our Community Guidelines. Access cannot be restored.
直播结束后/ When LIVE Ends
When the LIVE ends, if you tap “Got it” instead of “Details” or just close the pop-up, then you should
Tap “Inbox” at the tool bar
Click on the notification of losing access to LIVE
Press on “Appeal” at the upright corner
Submit your appeal